Combining Wealth & Wellness (Infosys, Bengaluru)

13 March, 2020 0 Comments

            Combining Wealth & Wellness (Infosys, Bengaluru)

Three exhilarating hours of presentation and QNA with Team Finance CSR – Infosys HQ. This session was also broadcast as a Webinar for Team Infosys at their main campus in Electronic City.

The Topic

"Combining Best Practices in Wealth and Wellness" for Sustainable Success in Times of Chaos, Uncertainty and Disruption. So appropriate with the Carona Virus, Stock market crash and global uncertainty.

Combining Best Practices and Techniques of Money and Life Management, Financial Planning and Business to be “On Top of Your Game” with your Money.

Along with Complimenting Best Practices and Techniques that are given in Yoga Sutra and Bhagavat Gita for Good Health, Clarity of Mind and Happiness!

For More Details Contact :  Mr. Rajanish -  +91 9900130321 |  Mr. Saisri -  +91 9740013581 |  Email -